
Place Description Rewrite

http:// www3.agu.ac.jp / ~jeffreyb / KTmobile / places.rewrite.html

  1. There are footprints, a house, and a lot of snow.

  2. On the sky. There are little cloud.

  3. I have t

  4. Wataru

  5. It is

  6. My fath

  7. My cou

  8. Makie

  9. A fath

  10. Yuki

  11. Huge many mountains to surround this village.

  12. Many trees grow by the river.

  13. I can hear the various sound which the sound of the stream.

  14. Many trees grow by the river.

  15. It's not much residents in the village.

  16. The water's clear, so I can see the bottom and fish.

  17. I see two housewives washing one's clothes and hear talking them.

  18. The air of outside is so good and so clear.

  19. The house made of wood and looks old house. Color is brown.

Last updated January 2011
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by Jeff Blair
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