
Advisor and Writer

Read, Analyze, Discuss, and Rewrite
Then Evaluate and Comment

http:// www3. agu. ac.jp / ~jeffreyb / write / read.html
rough machine translation ... [ Eng=>Jpn ]

I. Check contact information and format
. . . . (then citations and references)

Is the heading in proper form: class, group, number, and name ?
Is there a title?
Is the body written in paragraphs?

II. Check and analyze the text

The advisor reads the writer's paper--sentence by sentence
and asks the writer about anything that is

The advisor underlines anything that can be written

If ANY sentence seems to be okay as it is, the advisor should analyze the grammar in that sentence by

III. Discuss

The advisor and writer discuss any possible changes.

IV. Make corrections

The writer decides what changes to make and makes those changes (see proofSent.html) just like we've practiced in class and WITHOUT ERASING anything:

Do NOT rewrite the entire sentence. While making each correction,
try to write as little as possible.

If you want the teacher's opinion on any particular sentence,
write that sentence on the blackboard at the front of the room.
The teacher will then help you to think about possible corrections.

V. Evaluate

VI. Comment--suggest how to make it Better.

IV. Move (in a circle)

Last updated December 2010
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Jeff Blair
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