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佐々木真(2016)「選択体型機能言語学の翻訳への応用−The Language of Schoolingの翻訳実践例−」愛知学院大学教養部紀要第64巻第1号 愛知学院大学pp.27-45

佐々木真(2011) 「iPadを用いた語学教育の現状と展望」愛知学院大学教養部紀要 第59巻第2号 愛知学院大学 pp.15-34.

佐々木真(2010) 「語学教育への情報コミュニケーション技術(ICT)の活用:その実践と展望」 語研紀要第35巻第1号 愛知学院大学語学研究所 pp.57-81.

佐々木真(2009) 「日本におけるSFLの英語教育への応用:5文系とbe動詞を中心として」Proceedings of JASFL 3号 日本機能言語学会(編)pp.73-84.

David Butt, Ichiro Kobayashi and Makoto Sasaki (2009). "Abstract Tools and Technologies of Learning: An Evolving Partnership." in J. Zaida and D. Gibbs (eds.), Comparative Information Technology. pp11-31. Dordrecht: Springer

Makoto Sasaki (2008) "On Genre and its Application to English Education in Japan" 『Ergo』(愛知学院大学短期大学部英語コミュニケーション学科閉科記念論集) pp.193-217

佐々木真(2006b) 「英語の文法的比喩とその英語教育への応用について」、 愛知学院大学短期大学部研究紀要14号 pp. 47-61

佐々木真(2006a) 「社説の日英分析:節と伝達的単位の枠組み分析」、 『閑花集』愛知学院大学短期大学部人間文化学科五十五年記念論集 pp. 145-171

佐々木真(2002) 「英語音声教材のデジタル化と授業への応用」、 愛知学院大学短期大学部研究紀要10号 pp. 64-83

佐々木真(2001b) 「選択体系機能文法の英語教育への応用: 節、過程中核部、主題の分析による作文の評価」 JASFL Occasional Papers vol.2 no.1 pp. 73-98

佐々木真(2001a) 「主題分析を中心とした選択体系機能文法の英語教育への応用」、 愛知学院大学短期大学部研究紀要9号 pp. 180-193

佐々木真(2000) 「選択体系機能文法の英語教育への応用:節と過程中核部の分析による作文評価」, 愛知学院大学短期大学部研究紀要 8号 pp. 120-137

佐々木真(1997a) 「日本語におけるTheme構造:Transclausal ThemeとLocal-clausal Themeの提案」, 愛知学院大学短期大学部研究紀要 5号 pp.144-158

佐々木真(1997b) 「日本語のclause分析:分類基準とclauseの関係に焦点をあてて」, 「ことばと人間」第1号、横浜「言語と人間」研究会(編)pp.67-74

Makoto Sasaki (1996) "An Analysis of Realization of Theme in Japanese," The Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 4, pp.82-99

Makoto Sasaki (1995) "An Analysis of the Clause Relations in the Three English Translations of The Tale of Genji," The Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 3, pp.36-64

Makoto Sasaki (1993a) "On Multimedia in Language Education: The Advantage and Linguistic Validity," 山梨英和短期大学英文学論集, 5, pp.13-26

Makoto Sasaki (1993b) "An Analysis of the Textual Development of Motorsport News Articles" 山梨英和短期大学紀要, 27, pp.45-61

佐々木真 (1991) 「系統-機能文法のTransitivity System を枠組とした源氏物語りの三つの英語訳に見られる観念的意味の差異について」, 『社会における言語機能の諸相』F.C.パン、佐々木真、渡辺鉄太、斎藤寿美、島田咲弥 編、広島:文化評論出版(pp53-81)

Makoto Sasaki (1990) "On the Ideational Differences among the Three English Translations of The Tale of Genji in Terms of the system of Transitivity in the Systemic-functional Grammar", 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科提出教育学修士論文

I. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa, M. Sasaki, T. Gatayama and M. Nomura (1989) "Sensory nerve action potentials elicited by mechanical air-puff stimulation of the index finger in man", Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology Vol. 72, (pp.321-333)

I. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa and M. Sasaki (1988) "Somatosensory evoked potential correlates of psychophysical magnitude estimations for tactile air-puff stimulation in man ", Experimental Brain Research Vol. 73, (pp. 459-469)

渡辺鉄太、佐々木真 (1988) 「振り仮名の現代的類型とその機能」, 『行動としての言語』、F.C.パン、三宅英文、佐々木真、渡辺鉄太 編、広島:文化評論出版(pp.68-84)

佐々木真、橋本勲、吉川一義 (1988) 「指先へのAir-puff 刺激による触圧感覚とその強度変化に伴う言語表現」, ICU Language Research Bulletin , Vol. 3, No.1, (pp.9-29)

佐々木真(1987) 「(書評)「子供の脳:言語機能の左右差」Lebrun, Y. & Zangwill, O. eds. 1981, 柏原恵龍・水谷宗行訳、ミネルヴァ書房」, ICU Language Research Bulletin , Vol. 2, No.1, (pp.137-143) 

Journal / Book Articles

Please click a title of the following articles, which will be displayed if you have installed a PDF plug-in into your web browser. Otherwise they will be automatically downloaded.

Makoto Sasaki (2016) "The Application of Systemic Functional Linguistics to Translation: A Case Study of The Language of Schooling" The Journal of Aichi Gakuin University: Humanities & Science. vol.64. No.1. pp.27-45: Aichi Gakuin University(written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (2011) "Language Education on iPad: the Current Situations and the Future Prospects", The Journal of Aichi Gakuin University: Humanities & Science. vol.59. No.2. pp.15-34: Aichi Gakuin University(written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (2010) "Utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Language Education: Practical Appllications and Perspectives" Foreign Languages and Literature vol.35. No.1. pp.57-81: Aichi Gakuin University, Foreign Languages Institute: (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (2009) "On Appication of SFL to English Education in Japan: Focusing on the Five Sentence Patterns and 'Be " Proceedings of JASFL vol.3. pp.73-84 (written in Japanese)

David Butt, Ichiro Kobayashi and Makoto Sasaki (2009). "Abstract Tools and Technologies of Learning: An Evolving Partnership." in J. Zaida and D. Gibbs (eds.), Comparative Information Technology. pp11-31. Dordrecht: Springer

Makoto Sasaki (2008) "On Genre and its Application to English Education in Japan" Ergo. Nagoya: Aichi Gakuin University Junior College. pp.193-217

Makoto Sasaki (2006b) "On Grammatical metaphor in English and its Application to English Teaching", The Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 14, pp.47-61 (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (2006a) "A Comparateive Editorial Analysis between English and Japanese: Application of the Clause Approach and the Communicative Unit Approach", Kanka-shu, Collected Papers in the 55th Aniversary of Department of Society of Arts and Sciences, Aichi Gakuin University, Junior College, pp.145-171 (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (2002) "On Digitizing English Listening Materials and the Application in the class", The Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 10, pp.63-84 (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (2001b) Applying Systemic Functional Grammar to English Education: Evaluating the Writing of EFL Students Based on the Analysis of Clause, Process and ThemeJASFL Occasional Papers vol.2 no.1 pp. 73-98 (written in Japanese with English abstract)

Makoto Sasaki (2001a) "Applying Systemic Functional Grammar to English Education: Evaluating the Writing of EFL Students Based on the Analysis of ThemeThe Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 9, pp.180-193 (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (2000)"Applying Systemic Functional Grammar to English Education: Evaluating the Writing of EFL Students Base on the Analysis of Clausees and Processes," The Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 8, pp.120-137 (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (1997a) "An Analysis of Thematic Structure in Japanese: Proposal for Translclausal Theme and Local-clausal Theme," The Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 5, pp.144-158 (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (1997b) "An Analysis of Clauses in Japaese: Focusing on the Identifying Criteria and the Clause Relations," Kotoba to Ningen: Journal of Yokohama Linguistic Circle No. 1 pp.144-158 (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (1996) "An Analysis of Realization of Theme in Japanese," The Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 4, pp.82-99

Makoto Sasaki (1995) "An Analysis of the Clause Relations in the Three English Translations of The Tale of Genji," The Faculty Journal of the Junior College Division of Aichi Gakuin University, 3, pp.36-64

Makoto Sasaki (1993a) "On Multimedia in Language Education: The Advantage and Linguistic Validity," English Review of Yamanashi Eiwa College, 5, pp.13-26

Makoto Sasaki (1993b) "An Analysis of the Textual Development of Motorsport News Articles" Journal of Yamanashi Eiwa College, 27, pp.45-61

Makoto Sasaki (1991) "Keitou Kinou Bunpouno Transitivy System wo Wakugumitoshita Genji Monogatarino Mittsuno Eigoyakuni Mirareru Kannnennteki Imino Sainitsuite" (On the Ideational Differences among the Three English Translations of The Tale of Genji in Terms of the system of Transitivity in the Systemic-functional Grammar) , Shakainiokeru Gengo Kinouno Shosou, F.C. Peng, Makoto Sasaki, Tetsuta Watanabe, Hisami Saito, Sakuya Shimada eds., Bunka Hyoronsha: Hiroshima, Japan(pp53-81) (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (1990) "On the Ideational Differences among the Three English Translations of The Tale of Genji in Terms of the system of Transitivity in the Systemic-functional Grammar", ME Thesis,English Teaching Department, Devision of Education, International Christian University

I. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa, M. Sasaki, T. Gatayama and M. Nomura (1989) "Sensory nerve action potentials elicited by mechanical air-puff stimulation of the index finger in man", Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology Vol. 72, (pp.321-333)

I. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa and M. Sasaki (1988) "Somatosensory evoked potential correlates of psychophysical magnitude estimations for tactile air-puff stimulation in man ", Experimental Brain Research Vol. 73, (pp. 459-469)

T. Watanabe & M. Sasaki (1988) "Furiganano Gendaiteki Ruikeito Sono Kinou (On Classification of Furigana and its Function), Koudoutoshiteno Gengo, F.C. Peng, H. Miyake, M. Sasaki and T. Watanabe eds. Bunka Hyoronsha: Hiroshima (written in Japanese)

M. Sasaki, I. Hashimoto, K. Yoshikawa (1988) "Skin sensation and its linguistic expressions associated with intensity changes in air-puff stimuli applied to the finger tip" , ICU Language Research Bulletin , Vol. 3, No.1, (pp.9-29) (written in Japanese)

Makoto Sasaki (1987) Book review: Laeralisation of Language in the Child by Lebrun, Y. & Zangwill, O. eds. Swets and Zeitlinger, Amsterdam, 1981, ICU Language Research Bulletin , Vol. 2, No.1, (pp.137-143) (written in Japanese)